Archive for March, 2011

Re-Finishing a Butcher Block Top

Simple steps you can take to keep your butcher block looking beautiful.

About Butcher Blocks
Butcher blocks have traditionally been made from pieces of maple or a similar hardwood bonded together to form a solid slab. Butcher blocks have been used for hundreds of years and recently have become popular in modern kitchen designs. More recently, butcher blocks have become available in a variety of imported hardwoods.
Historically butcher blocks were used for cutting meats. The thick hard surfaces were ideal for the heavy blows of a meat cleaver down to the slicing action of a carving knife. Today most butcher blocks serve more of an aesthetic purpose in the modern kitchen.

Care and Maintenance
Butcher blocks should be finished regularly with a mineral oil and a beeswax coating to maintain their beauty and keep the wood from warping and cracking. Modern polyurethane and varnish finishes that are used on most furniture today should not be used on butcher blocks. These finishes are hard and sit on the surface. Cutting on the butcher block will break through this barrier and allow moisture into the wood.

Butcher blocks are made from natural wood and thus suffer from the effects of moisture. Too much moisture will cause the block to swell. Too little moisture can cause the wood to dry out and shrink causing cracks. These problems can be avoided by keeping standing water and moisture (such as liquids from meats) from sitting on the surface of the block. Simply wipe the block dry when you are done.

Winter months bring dry air and this can cause the butcher block to loose moisture and dry out as well. Placement of the block near a washing machine or stove can also cause the block to dry out. Regular applications of mineral oil is the best way to ensure that your butcher block keeps from drying out. A top coat of beeswax finish not only helps to smooth the surface, it also helps to repel water.

Get Great Woodworking Plans! Just Click Here To Get Started!

Hello world!

Woodworking is great since it can be a hobby as well as a profession. You can make plenty of money on woodworking projects if you’re talented. You can build armchairs, tables, beds and many other things and if you build really nice things you will be able to sell them.

The great thing with the woodworking craft is that it can give families with low income the possibility to have some really nice furniture as well as other things in their homes since they will be able to create these items with their own hands. It takes time to become really skillful of course but everyone has to start somewhere in order to become successful. It’s never too late to start working with woodworking projects and it’s a fun hobby to practice as well.

Get some help online

If you’re interested in learning  more about the woodworking craft you should definitely perform some research on the net. You will be able to find plenty of useful tips there and you will soon be able to start practice what you’ve learned. You can also get much help if you become member of a forum on the net where woodworking craft is discussed.

When you’ve read a few guidance articles online you will know that you need some basic woodworking tools when you want to start working on your woodworking plans. A saw is a tool that you can’t live without if you want to become a woodworking talent. You will need more than one saw, at least two saws, perhaps more. You also need to buy at least one jig and a knife is always good to have as well. These tools are the basic things you need to have to get started but you might have to buy a few other tools as well when you proceed to more advanced woodworking projects.

Get yourself a hobby that can satisfy you

The woodworking craft is a hobby that can be very satisfying. It feels great to know that you’ve built the nice things that you have in your home and your family will most likely be very happy about it as well. This is a great hobby to have and it can become your profession one day if you spend enough time on it.

It’s a great feeling to be able to build something from wood with your own hands. You can come up with new woodworking plans every month and finish them as soon as you have some time off from work.

To get you started take a look at Ted’s Woodworking Course!. Here you can get 16,000 woodworking plans with easy to read instruction that anyone can due.